A successful career is no less than a rollercoaster ride with many ups and downs. And being an entrepreneur, moving forward from past failure and maintaining the success can help you lead a much better and fulfilling journey. Well, Entrepreneurship requires lot of encompassing skills that other professions do not even consider like engineers’ draft project plan and then, pass the deigns to make them a reality. But for entrepreneurs, it is very different. Each and every aspect of a business is handled by entrepreneur and they have to understand everything from the role of visionary, salesperson, project managers and much more. It does not require only a degree to learn these skills and all you need is entrepreneurial aspirations.

Entrepreneurship is not a jackpot but, it is years of hard work, lot of learnings from past mistakes, hiring the right people and envisioning them for the common goals. Today, I am sharing some of my learnings as an entrepreneur.

“JC saga began over 20 years ago with a strong aspiration and dreams. With focus and continuous learnings, our group is an entity that provides much-appreciated benefits to the public of India, direct employment to more than four hundred people and indirect employment for more than ten thousand people across the country. The leadership team has launched JC Ventures to transform magical rewards in the job market, the self-employment matrix, preventive healthcare world, e-commerce, BFSI services, and finally in social work with a positive global perspective. Our journey to success and prosperity have seen many good and bad times.”

Entrepreneurship is a long journey and some people try and succeed in their first time but it is not the case for everyone. I continue to learn and grow. Some of the lessons taken from the entrepreneurial journey are:

  • Learn from your negative experiences and mistakes

Most of the entrepreneurs face failure once in their lifetime but the important part is to accept the failure and move forward with it as a learning opportunity. Dreaming for overnight success does not lead to success and it is vital to realize that success comes from the lessons learned 10 years before. The valuable lessons from negative experiences and failures have helped us on our way to convert the vision into a reality.

  • Mastering delegation

It needs people to build a business as an entrepreneur alone cannot run the company. The vision has to be shared with people so that they can put in their efforts in building a scalable company. In this process, delegation is one of a kind skill and entrepreneur needs to work on this skill while delegating the tasks to others. No matter how efficiently you are managing the business, you have to be always an effective manager too.

  • Don’t miss the opportunities

It is correctly said that “worst decision is indecision”. You have to take informed decisions and act fast accordingly. If you miss the opportunities, you can lose on many things that can help your business grow immensely. There is no thumb rule of business and no single wat to run the business. Just look for opportunities, grab them, and work hard to convert them into growth.

  • Learning never ends

Entrepreneurs do not have to be expert on specific skill but they need a wide range of skills so that they know everything required for making their vision a reality. Some of the things are financial updates, operations, customers, industry trends, running projects and the list goes on and on. With the rounded skill set, entrepreneurs have to continue learning forever.

  • Tomorrow never comes

It is extremely important to realize that tomorrow is always another day and it never comes. Many people take their failures very personally, go down for many days and lose their confidence. Losing on days and productivity levels can never help but the way is to act stronger and don’t let yourself set back in any situation. Making use of every day always help reach your goals faster and better.


Above all these considerations, you have to keep a lot of patience. Just Don’t Give up and continue to see your business take off to new heights…!! I believe that with this attitude, entrepreneurs would be more successful.